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AbstractInput<V> - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input
AbstractInput() - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.AbstractInput
AbstractModifier<T> - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier
AbstractModifier(boolean) - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.AbstractModifier
AbstractUnique - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry
AbstractUnique(IPlatformKey) - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry.AbstractUnique
Creates a new unique object
actor() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Gets the wrapped owning actor
actor(Object) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Sets the owning actor of this input process
addAction(Runnable) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickTimer
argumentMap() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Gets the parameters for the input provider type creation
ArgumentMap - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument
ArgumentMap() - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
as(Class<P>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.InvalidActor
as(Class<P>) - Method in interface me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.IPlatformActor
Tries to cast this actor to the specified handle type
asFuture() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputProvider
Gets the future of this process and starts the input process on first call
asOptional() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
returns the value as an optional
asReference() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
returns the value as an reference
attempt(T) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.AttemptModifier
Accepts input and validates it using the valdiator Predicate
AttemptModifier<T> - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier
AttemptModifier(int, Predicate<T>) - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.AttemptModifier
Creates a new AttemptModifier
AttemptModifier(int, Predicate<T>, Consumer<IPlatformActor<?>>) - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.AttemptModifier
Creates a new AttemptModifier


BetterInputs<P> - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api
BetterInputs() - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.BetterInputs
build(IPlatformActor<?>, ArgumentMap) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputFactory
Creates a new input provider type


cancel() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputProvider
Tries to cancel the input process
cancel(String) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputProvider
Tries to cancel the input process with a specified reason
cancelListener() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Gets the currently set cancel listener
cancelListener(BiConsumer<InputProvider<T>, String>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Sets the cancel listener for this input process
clear() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
clearParams() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Deletes all parameters that were set for the input provider type creation
clone() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
complete(V) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
completeExceptionally(Throwable) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
completeVoid() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
copyFrom(ArgumentMap) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
createInput(Class<T>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.BetterInputs
Creates a new input builder
createProvider(InputBuilder<T>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.BetterInputs
Creates a new input provider based on the builder


DAY - me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit


empty() - Static method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
Returns an empty Option instance.
equals(Object) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this Option.
equals(IPlatformKey) - Method in interface me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.IPlatformKey
exceptionHandler() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Gets the currently set exception handler
exceptionHandler(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Sets the exception handler for this input process


filter(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, and the value matches the given predicate, returns an Option describing the value, otherwise returns an empty Option.
flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Option<? extends U>>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, returns the result of applying the given Option-bearing mapping function to the value, otherwise returns an empty Option.


get() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputProvider
Gets the input of this input process
get() - Static method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.InvalidActor
get() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
returns the value
get() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Ref
get() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
get(String) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
get(String, Class<E>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
getActor() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputProvider
Gets the wrapped owning actor
getActor(E) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.BetterInputs
Gets a wrapped instance of the provided actor
getClass(String) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
getClass(String, Class<E>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
getHandle() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.InvalidActor
getHandle() - Method in interface me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.IPlatformActor
Gets the platform handle of this actor
getInputFactory(String) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.BetterInputs
Gets a factory by key
getInputFactory(String, Class<T>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.BetterInputs
Gets a factory by key and input type
getInputType() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputFactory
getKey() - Method in interface me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.IPlatformKey
Gets the key of the key
getKey() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry.AbstractUnique
Gets the key of this unique object
getKey() - Method in interface me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry.IUnique
Gets the key of this unique object
getKey(String) - Method in interface me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.IPlatformKeyProvider
Gets or creates a platform key based on the provided key
getKeyProvider(P) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.BetterInputs
Gets a key provider for the platform identifiable object
getKeys() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.BetterInputs
Gets all known input factory keys as java.lang.String
getModifier(Class<M>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputProvider
Gets an input modifier
getName() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickTimer
getNamespace() - Method in interface me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.IPlatformKey
Gets the namespace of the key
getNamespace() - Method in interface me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.IPlatformKeyProvider
Gets the namespace of this key provider
getPlatform() - Static method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.BetterInputs
getTps() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickTimer


has(String) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
has(String, Class<?>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
hashCode() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
Returns the hash code of the value, if present, otherwise 0 (zero) if no value is present.
hasModifier(Class<? extends AbstractModifier<V>>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputProvider
Checks if a modifier is set
HOUR - me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit


ifAbsent(Runnable) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is absent, performs the given action with the value, otherwise does nothing.
ifPresent(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, performs the given action with the value, otherwise does nothing.
ifPresentOrElse(Consumer<? super T>, Runnable) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, performs the given action with the value, otherwise performs the given empty-based action.
InputBuilder<T> - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input
InputBuilder(BetterInputs<?>, Class<T>) - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
InputFactory<V,​I extends AbstractInput<V>> - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input
InputFactory(IPlatformKey, Class<V>) - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputFactory
Creates a new input factory
InputProvider<V> - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input
InputProvider(IPlatformActor<?>, TickTimer, AbstractInput<V>, Consumer<Throwable>, BiConsumer<InputProvider<V>, String>) - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputProvider
inputType() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Gets the input type
InvalidActor<H> - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform
InvalidActor() - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.InvalidActor
IPlatformActor<H> - Interface in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform
IPlatformKey - Interface in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform
IPlatformKeyProvider - Interface in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform
isAlive() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickTimer
isAvailable() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputProvider
Checks if the input is available already
isAvailable() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.InvalidActor
isAvailable() - Method in interface me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.IPlatformActor
Checks if the actor is valid
isCancelled() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputProvider
Checks if the input process is cancelled
isComplete() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
isEmpty() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
isEmpty() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is not present, returns true, otherwise false.
isEmpty() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Ref
isEmpty() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
isExpired() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.AbstractModifier
Gets if the modifier is expired or not
isPaused() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickTimer
isPresent() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, returns true, otherwise false.
isPresent() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Ref
isPresent() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
isTicking() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.AbstractModifier
Gets if the modifier is a ticking modifier or not
IUnique - Interface in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry


lock() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Ref


map(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, returns an Option describing the result of applying the given mapping function to the value, otherwise returns an empty Option.
me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api - package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api
me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input - package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input
me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier - package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier
me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform - package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform
me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util - package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util
me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument - package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument
me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry - package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry
me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick - package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick
MINUTE - me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit


NotEnoughArgumentsException - Exception in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument
NotEnoughArgumentsException(ArgumentStack) - Constructor for exception me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.NotEnoughArgumentsException


of() - Static method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Ref
of(E) - Static method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Ref
of(T) - Static method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
Returns an Option describing the given value.
onDone(InputProvider<T>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.AbstractModifier
Is called once the input process is done
onExpire(InputProvider<T>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.AbstractModifier
Is called once the modifier expires
onExpire(InputProvider<T>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.AttemptModifier
onExpire(InputProvider<T>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.TimeoutModifier
onUnregister() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputFactory
This is called once this input factory is unregistered from the api
Option<T> - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util
or(Supplier<? extends Option<? extends T>>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, returns an Option describing the value, otherwise returns an Option produced by the supplying function.
orElse(T) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, returns the value, otherwise returns other.
orElseGet(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, returns the value, otherwise returns the result produced by the supplying function.
orElseRun(Runnable) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, returns the value, otherwise runs runnable
orElseThrow() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, returns the value, otherwise throws NoSuchElementException.
orElseThrow(Supplier<? extends X>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, returns the value, otherwise throws an exception produced by the exception supplying function.


param(String, Object) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Sets a parameter for the input provider type creation
params(ArgumentMap) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Sets the parameters for the input provider type creation
pause() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickTimer
provide() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Creates a new input provider based on this builder
provider() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.AbstractInput
Gets the set provider


Ref<E> - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util
registerInputFactory(InputFactory<T, ? extends AbstractInput<T>>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.BetterInputs
Registers a new input factory
remove(String) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
removeAction(Runnable) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickTimer
removeParam(String) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Deletes a parameter for the input provider type creation
require(String) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
require(String, Class<E>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
requireClass(String) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
requireClass(String, Class<E>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap


SECOND - me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit
sendMessage(String) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.InvalidActor
sendMessage(String) - Method in interface me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.IPlatformActor
Sends a message to the actor
sendMessage(IPlatformActor<?>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.AttemptModifier
Sends a "try again" message to the actor
set(E) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Ref
set(String, Object) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
setExceptionHandler(BiConsumer<TickTimer, Throwable>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickTimer
shutdown() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickTimer
size() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
StagedFuture<V> - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util
StagedFuture() - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
start() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickTimer
stream() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
If a value is present, returns a sequential Stream containing only that value, otherwise returns an empty Stream.


thenAccept(Consumer<? super V>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
thenAcceptAsync(Executor, Consumer<? super V>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
thenAcceptExceptionally(Consumer<? super V>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
thenAcceptExceptionallyAsync(Executor, Consumer<? super V>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
thenApply(Function<? super V, ? super E>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
thenApplyAsync(Executor, Function<? super V, ? super E>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
thenApplyExceptionally(Function<? super V, ? super E>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
thenApplyExceptionallyAsync(Executor, Function<? super V, ? super E>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
thenCompose(Function<? super V, StagedFuture<E>>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
thenComposeAsync(Executor, Function<? super V, StagedFuture<E>>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
thenComposeExceptionally(Function<? super V, StagedFuture<E>>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
thenComposeExceptionallyAsync(Executor, Function<? super V, StagedFuture<E>>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
throwIfMissing() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.ArgumentMap
tick() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.AbstractModifier
Is called every tick if the modifier is a ticking modifier
tick() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.TimeoutModifier
TICK - me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit
TickTimer - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick
TickTimer(String) - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickTimer
TickUnit - Enum in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick
TimeoutModifier<T> - Class in me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier
TimeoutModifier(long, TickUnit) - Constructor for class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.TimeoutModifier
Creates a new TimeoutModifier
toDays(long) - Method in enum me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit
toHours(long) - Method in enum me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit
toMinutes(long) - Method in enum me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit
toSeconds(long) - Method in enum me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit
toString() - Method in interface me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.IPlatformKey
Gets the full key as String
toString() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.Option
Returns a non-empty string representation of this Option suitable for debugging.
toTicks(long) - Method in enum me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit
toWeeks(long) - Method in enum me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit
tryGetKeyProvider(Object) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.BetterInputs
Gets the key provider for the provided object which is supposed to be a platform identifiable object
type() - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Gets the input provider type key
type(String) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputBuilder
Sets the requested input provider type


unregisterAll() - Method in interface me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.IPlatformKeyProvider
Unregisters the key provider and all keys related to it
unregisterInputFactory(IPlatformKey) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.BetterInputs
Unregisters a input factory based on the provided key


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WEEK - me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.TickUnit
withExceptionHandler(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.StagedFuture
withModifier(AbstractModifier<V>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputProvider
Adds a input modifier
withModifierExceptionHandler(BiConsumer<AbstractModifier<V>, Throwable>) - Method in class me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.InputProvider
Sets the modifier exception handler
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