Class AbstractModifier<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractModifier

        public AbstractModifier​(boolean ticking)
    • Method Detail

      • isTicking

        public final boolean isTicking()
        Gets if the modifier is a ticking modifier or not
        if the modifier is ticking
      • isExpired

        public final boolean isExpired()
        Gets if the modifier is expired or not
        if the modifier is expired
      • tick

        public void tick()
        Is called every tick if the modifier is a ticking modifier
      • onExpire

        public void onExpire​(InputProvider<T> provider)
        Is called once the modifier expires
        provider - the input provider that this modifier was set to
      • onDone

        public void onDone​(InputProvider<T> provider)
        Is called once the input process is done
        provider - the input provider that this modifier was set to